Saturday, August 11, 2007


"You cannot make it the basis of a whole life. It is a noble feeling, but it is still a feeling. Now no feeling can be relied on to last in its full intensity, or even to last at all. Knowledge can last, principles can last, habits can last; but feelings come and go. And in fact, whatever people say, the state called 'being in love' usually does not last." C. S. Lewis

Yes, there is no denying that the state of "being in love" is most glorious! But Lewis is right... feelings come and go. And what most of the world calls "being in love" is a feeling. It can be hormonal, it can be based upon the physical, it can rage and ruin.

But when love gets past the feelings... what's left? Broken hearts? A pregnant girl or woman without a man to stick by her side? Two people who decided that it wasn't meant to be??

When love gets past the feelings and remains, then what you have is real commitment! It is more than just an "I promise you... ". It's more than a vow.

It is the pleasure you have in coming home after a hard day at work, and finding a warm welcome, maybe dinner in or dinner out... maybe not that, even... but it may be the pleasure of knowing someone is present and their presence is pleasurable, is comforting. It is the desire to come home because you want to be where that companion is, at the end of the day! You won't stop on the way home to "have a few beers." That desire has changed. You really want to get home- someone is waiting. To share their day and to ask about yours. And even in silence, but sitting quietly in his or her presence, can give such joy!

The feeling that comes and goes... well, that's ok. That is human! And we are all human! But knowing that the feelings come and go and see-saw, we can commit to something so rare and fine which has nothing to do with feelings!

It's the same with friendship! Friendship is not a feeling that comes & goes. If it is, then it's not a friendship- because friendship stays through thick & thin. Through the hard times and the good times. It really is like 1st Corinthians 13.

Come on up!

Feelings, oh how I love good feelings!

But you just can't beat a real commitment!

You just can't beat an elevated place in your thinking!


In his book, MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING, Victor Frankl comes to the conclusion-as do I- that the bottom line, in life, is that life's meaning for each individual is as unique as each man and woman's mind- your mind is your own or it is not! Your attitude (attitudes) are as uniquely individualistic as your thinking- or your thinking belongs to someone else!

In his book, REINVENTING YOURSELF, Steve Chandler comes to this conclusion, also. We either own our thinking- or are allowing ourselves to be owned by our thinking...

I find that in the ownership of my thinking, I don't have time for bad attitudes. I don't have time to waste, in the living of life, to be negative or to be mean, or sarcastic or pessimistic.

That doesn't mean that I am not human and never have "bad days" or "bad attitudes". It just means that my life's focus is on elevating my mind and my life by elevating my thinking!

"With a pessimist, possibilities disappear." Which pretty well sums it up, in all the other negative categories for mental health and it's different levels of living.

Whether you are a christian or not, you find that as you search for the meaning to life or it's many meanings, or think you know the meaning of life, there is something more to learn and there are more places in your intellectual quest, to go to, for exploring and discovery.

May your ultimate discovery be that Jesus is Lord and God is Love and that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth!

But even if you are not a believer- you can surely agree that the key to living a more productive and happy life depends on your thinking! Which you can either elevate by effort and practicing better attitudes- or just plain not want to and not care.

Most of us care.

Many are, however, looking for help and looking for someone to guide them and encourage them.

Allow me to direct you towards higher thinking!

Towards intentionally looking for the inspiring... the encouraging... the hoping... elevating your thinking means thinking with optimism, with cheerfulness, with hopefulness, and actually working your own intelletual mechanisms by intentional effort. Nothing ever works without some working toward it. Elevating your thinking isn't just going to happen all of a sudden- it takes work!

See you up there!